Thursday, September 3, 2009

Journal Entry 6

Today was a pretty good day. I wouldn't classify it underneath wonderful! amazing! stupendous! But it wasn't bad. I guess it just wasn't as fun as the previous day... I was with a good group of people--actually, I haven't been with a "bad" group of people. I will admit I was kind of in a funk throughout the morning. But God totally delivered me from my funky mood when I saw this little boy.

Seriously, how could you not love him!? He's so adorable. We had been dropped off at one school for about an hour. The students were all gathered in one classroom and listening with wide eyes. As my teammate began to preach this little boy (and others) came up and just stood at the door. He was so intrigued as my teammate spoke. I was sitting by the door when he came up and I couldn't help but be drawn to him, he was so cute. I got him to come and sit in my lap as he listened intently. Only 2 years old and I just prayed--God, I realize this little boy may not understand every word spoken or even comprehend the Gospel, but I know that You've brought him here for a reason. You're engaging him for a reason. I don't know how You can use this, but I know You can use this moment. Here and now for Your glory. I pray for his salvation that somewhere down the road he would come to a realization of Your love for him. How precious are Your children.

We got done and ended up having time to play with the kids while we waited for our ride. Such a good time to share love with these children, Your children. They are beautiful and I am overwhelmed by the love that You have given me for them. I praise you Father for love that abounds and that You freely give.


Day 13 (I suppose)
Today was refreshing! We got to 7 schools today. We had 4 Americans in our group and 3 translators. I only preached twice today but it was still a good day. We had a merienda at every school we went to. I was so full by the end of the day. We had Pansit at the first school at about 8:30 in the morning--that was like a full meal in the morning! I could only eat some of it because I just wasn't hungry. They had the food made especially for us so I had to eat something. Then we had snacks at every other school along with Coke all day long--I just wanted ice cold water all day! No problems though, just trying to push through. Still having to watch what I eat so I don't get sick again. The last school we were at today was great. The kids loved us! "Americanos!" they would say. So cute! I would wink at them and they would just laugh like it was the funniest thing on earth. I wish I could take the children home with me. I'm going to miss them so dearly. I'm going to miss the people here in general. They're Your children God. You've given me a love for them and they're all so special. I've watched as You've poured Your love upon them and redeemed their lives. It's beautiful. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of Your work here, Father. It truly has been a blessing.

One more day to reach the lost here. May Your will be done.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

sleepless night...

I can't sleep tonight. Sometimes I cannot settle my mind. I tend to think too much, especially when it's time to lay my head in respite. Most nights it's easy to put my thoughts to rest. Tonight is a different story. I want to be anywhere but here, to escape to some place untouched where no one actually knows me and it's a fresh start. Altered. My heart is longing for unfamiliar. My soul is weary of the mundane. I'm ready to move on to something untrodden. My head fills with thoughts of unknown and foreign. There is abrupt excitement in the idea of this, but do I truly understand what all this entails?

I've had a hard time being back in LaGrange--Georgia--America, where everything is familiar and known to me. Things have been bustling since my return from my trip and I am not fond of hectic. I never have been. I enjoy my free time. There are moments when I am partial to being idle--and I truly enjoy all it has to offer. Being too busy seems to make me unpleasant. Resentful. Indignant. I've become corrosive with the accustomed and right now, I just want to leave it trailing.

But I can't, not now anyway. These past few weeks, God has reminded me of 1 Cor. 7:17 :
each one should retain the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has called him.

For whatever reason, God has appointed me here, in this place, in this season. He has reminded me that He is loyal. I must serve Him where He calls me and understand that it is an honor; a privilege to be surrounded by familiarity in this time and to be thankful of His knowledge of what is best for me. I cannot complain, for He has called me here.